Class Time: Thursday 1530 Room K304
Learning Outcomes
1. Identify the composition, scope and geographical distribution of marine resources
2. Develop an awareness of the industries involved in marine resource exploitation
3. Demonstrate a knowledge of regulatory issues
4. Evaluate the potential of alternative energy sources within the marine environment
Coursework: November 5th 1600: Literature Review for a report titled "The life-cycle, exploitation and use of ostrea edulis". 2000 words with weblog summary containing appropriate links. Have a look at the Biodiversity Plan here. For a wider context within Cornwall, see here
22nd January: In class test focusing on resource exploitation. Briefing papers will be given you on 15th Jan.
Assessment Brief - 20% of your marks
This assessment will be undertaken on January 19th. The procedure is as follows:
· Presentation on 15 January by the lecturer and delivery of briefing documents
· Split into Study Groups of three students and over the next four days discuss the following contention: “Off-shore wind farms are to be condemned as both a navigational hazard and because they will ruin a national treasure – the coast line.” Ted Venn/CPRE Cornwall ( ) Follow this link as it gives a rational.
· Attend FMS on Monday 19th January at 1500 in anticipation of an assessment at 1530. You will then:
1. Deliver a written list of no less than 5 sources that you have consulted – 10 marks
2. Deliver a hand sketched map of offshore wind farms in the UK – one per group – 10 marks
3. Undertake a 10 minute presentation as a study group addressing the contention either arguing for or against – 40 marks
4. Submit to a short written test – 40 marks
· I will conclude the assessment with a summary of the regulatory issues involved in Offshore Energy
26 March: All day Mini-Conference featuring individual presentations focusing on fisheries management, titled "End of the Line for our Fisheries?" As a group you will identify topics of relevance within the general context, decide on who takes which topic and then research and prepare a presentation either written or spoken using accepted conference techniques. The assessment will be completed by submission of a 500 word review of either Bottomfeeder: How the Fish on our Plates Is Killing the Planet Taras Grescoe Macmillan £12.99, pp304 , or The End of the Line By Charles Clover EBURY, or The Unnatural History of the Sea: The Past and Future of Humanity and Fishing (Gaia Thinking) (Paperback) by Callum Roberts
Start 1000
Lunch 1300
1400 PM session
Rory MacPhee: Fisheries Management and the Marine Bill
Emma: Press Release, Running Order, Risk Assessment, Marketing banners, website, budget £75, resources, refreshments (Rory to see Poly), programme including abstract of presentions.
Tim and Lisa: Survey of traditional fishing methods and how to reduce their impact
Alex and Angie: Video dissection (Rory to see Craig) - biology of fish
Sam and Oli: Fish Oil - Omega B
Stuart and Will - A day in the life of a fisherman: Arwenack Fish Shop, Chris Bean, David Muirhead, Penberth
Gavin and James: Mariculture and the salmon inudstry
Faith and Ali: Arwenack Fish shop and Kimara, Tesco's from market to retail, food miles, preservation
Joanne: £50 10 mile radius, start Cornish recipe book online - Rory to see the Chain Locker - special prize if you can locate an octopus. Which is tastiest dish.
Laura: Fishing for Litter
70% of the globe's surface is covered by water, and more than half the world's population live within 60km of the coast. Fish is an important - some would say essential - part of our diet. Energy is obtained from the marine lithosphere and there is increasing reliance on renewable enerfy sources both offshore and inshore. The question is, can we sustain our lifestyles within a developing demographic? This module will give the student an overall view of our reliance on marine resources, and address the rising tide of concern about the fragility of our natural environment within the context of climate change. The issues raised in this module will be amplified in Ocean Environment A and developed in the second year within Marine Spatial Planning.
Lesson 1: Definitions
Lesson 2: SSSI eco-hike (abandoned due to bus breakdown)
Lesson 3: Organisations: JNCC, CEFAS, CSFC, Natural England, DEFRA, Royal Haskoning, BWEA, Marine Conservation Society, Crown Estate, Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Port Health Authority, Falmouth Harbour Commissioners, Marine Fisheries Agency . After a brief introuction to these organisations (please ensure that you investigate the websites fully) we will discuss the law of the sea. For more illustrations of LOS, see here and here and here for the UK jurisdiction. We will also aim to talk briefly about the assessment strategy for this module. Finally, each member of the group will adopt a fish, and become expers on all aspects of that fish - its history, lifecyle, conservation status and culinary/cultural relevance. See here for a comprehensive list of fish species, and cross reference to Fishonline and the list of species to avoid here. I would prefer if you all chose a fish at risk.
Lecture 4: We will be discussing shellfish and the oyster. Note also the MCS report titled Silent Seas reported here.
Lecture 5: Coursework issues - make sure to use resource offered below. Main topic: The Shipping Industry
Lecture 6: Cruise Ship presentation
Lecture 7: Benthic Exploitation - Cockles. We will focus on the cockle industry as a preparation for a visit on Friday 14th November to the cockle beds at the Helford Passage, marked by the Ferry Boat Inn. basic information from Marlin. For food foraging generally, see and here for the law. General article on the cockle here.
Lecture 8: Guest Lecture
Lectures 9, 10, 11: Renewable Energy
Lecture 14: Fisheries
Video resource: Salmon from Ecologist TV
Student led session develoing broad plan of attack for Mini-Conference (End of the Line for Fisheries?" on March 26.
Ideas for the conference:
We have the use of the Theatre at the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, and the public will be invited to some or all of the sessions, as well as other students at Cornwall College. There will be a computer and digital projection, but no internet access. We need to make it informative as well as fun for all concerned. Note that there are 17 students in the group.
Support network:
Publicity - website, video capture, press release and technical issues
Secretary - to plan the event and record all minutes of preliminary proceedings, and arrange catering
Stewarding - to work the front of house and develop sponsorship opportunities
Substantive network:
Within the general context of fisheries, we could look at the following: life cycles of common fish; fishing communities - eg Penberth; fishing methods; sustainable fishing methods; local fisheries regulations; recreational angling; good fish guides; relevant organisations
Keynote Speaker:
Sam Davies CSFC
If you need to buy in any resources, let me know and I will do what I can.
Lecture 16
Study of local fishing regulations
Lecture 17
Note: Extra session planned for......
Lecture 22
A miscellany:
Livings from the Sea - Conference
Marine Bill Lecture
Wise Course
Seaweed Symposium
Research threads see NERC
Budget 2009: see here
SAGB report
CEFAS memorial lecture and report on oysters
What is the difference between a prawn and a shrimp?
What is the difference between a king and queen scallop?
CEFAS on scallops
SAGB videos on cooking shellfish
The conflict in Anglesey - Marina ops press release Council position. Court report
Careers/Windpower/Marine Bill - Radio Programme/Budget/Low carbon economy/Activism
Session 23
Seaweed Observations:
Wild Food School Michael's site (excelent on aquaculture) Database
Anadromous - migrating from sea to fresh water to spawn
Benthos - bottom of the sea
Biota - plant and animal life
Biotope - Small area with uniform biological conditions
Catadromous - migrating down from fresh water to sea water
Diadromous - migratory fish between fresh and salt water
Endocrine Disruptor -synthetic chemicals that can interfere with hormones and disrupt development
Eutrophication - excessive nutrients
Maerl - calcified seaweed
Nautical Mile
Pelagic Zone
Llittoral zone - between high and low water
Riparian - River Margin
See an excellent resource from the FAO which is comprehensive - to be read and tested on next week. I would also be grateful if you would study the fishing resource at the Guardian
Surrounding nets (including purse seines) and here and tuna fishing in Phillipines video tuna video
Seine nets (including beach seines and Boat, Scottish/Danish seines)
Trawl nets (including Bottom video video: Beam, Otter and Pair video trawls, and Midwater trawls: Otter and Pair trawls)
Lift nets
Falling gears (including cast nets)
Gillnets turtles sharks and entangling nets (including set and drifting gillnets; trammel nets)
Traps (including pots, stow or bag nets, fixed traps)
Hooks and lines albatross bycatch and utube sea shepherd tuna(including handlines, pole and lines, set or drifting longlines, trolling lines)
Grappling and wounding gears (including harpoons, spears, arrows, etc.)
Stupefying devices
Bycatch video
Tuna video
Ecologist Video - fishmeal
Man and Whale video
Pirate fishing
Pollock overfishing
Stormy seas
Book Reviews
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management Becoming a member helps your career
WWF on Fishing
Dolpnin Massacre
International Law and Fisheries PPT
Illegal Fishing
Cruise Ship Pollution - FOE perspective
Scallops Presentation MCS/Lean Luc
Monbiot on Omega 3 Oil
How to distinguish skates from rays?
Rare fish video from the BBC
Devon Maritime Forum
Anatomy of a starfish
Academic paper comparing small scale fisheries with large scale
Fisheries Statistics 2007
Helford Jetty 1
MMO Snub to Cornwall
Sustainable Fisheries
A level resource on CFP
Scottish Zone Offshore Operators The Crown Estate Map of Round 1 and 2 Offshore Wind Farm Sites BWEA Offshore BWEA Seminar showing good map of wind potential How does a wind farm work? Good leaflet on how wave and tidal generation works Jobs in the Sector Climate Change Bill FOE YouTube footage Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006 Resources: FOE Renewable Energy Your Questions Answered FOE Wind power Wind power in the UK/Oxford Institute for Energy Studies/KEAY Good article from the Guardian 10 Myths... Article about the psychological issues that might have to be addressed before legal issues Daily Telegraph critique of Ed Milliband Insight into Government in-fighting Videos EU Commission on Renewables Carbon Sequestration good intro as well to global warming/climate change Using trees for sequestration More on sequestration in the Pacific Renewable Energy from the Oceans (Thermal) New Invention (!) Solar Tower Global warming and renewable energy Solar Energy (50 mins long) Tidal Power - How it works Underwater Sails Marine Current Turbine (Strangford Loch) The great and good discuss global energy Ed Miliband on low carbon issues/EA conference SAS Hayle Home solar Lecture : An introduction to "Maritime Europe":
Lecture : Speedy Presentations and coursework hand-back German Technology Promotional Video In the UK Europe’s Largest Wind Park
•Effect on tourism •UFO •Explosion •Renewable energy from the ocean •George Monbiot meets Spiers
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